Tick Tock Productions Horological Library
On-line library consisting of over 100 classic and rare watch and clock repair books and other videos.
An extensive and always increasing clock and watch repair library (over 100 titles) with additional clock and watch related videos. Any new books and videos are automatically available immediately to all enrolled students. All course updates are immediately made available to all the enrolled students. You always have the most current information and resources.
Everything in the Tick Tock Productions Online School is available to you 24/7. Your courses are fully responsive so that you can view any course content on any device.
Course Curriculum
Clock Repair Books
Available in
after you enroll
StartA history of Simon Willard, inventor and clockmaker 1911 uploaded 01/27/2024
StartChats on old clocks 1917 uploaded 01/27/2024
StartClock Cleaning and Repairing 1917. uploaded 10/6/2017
StartHistory of the American clock business for the past sixty years, and life of Chauncey Jerome 1860 uploaded 01/27/2024
StartKWM Bushing System. uploaded 12/8/2018
StartMy uncle, the clockmaker, a tale 1845 uploaded 01/27/2024
StartOld Scottish clockmakers from 1453 to 1850 uploaded 01/27/2024
StartOn the construction and theory of the dead escapement for clocks. uploaded 02/18/2024
StartSome account of the Worshipful company of clockmakers of the city of London uploaded 01/27/2024
StartThe Clock Book - A Description of Foreign and American Clocks Profusely Illustrated 1924 uploaded 01/25/2020
StartThe Clock Jobber's Handybook Non-downloadable
StartThe clock jobber's handybook version 2 downloadable
StartThe modern clock; a study of time keeping mechanism; its construction, regulation, and repair uploaded 01/27/2024
StartThe Universal Clock Adjuster 1887 uploaded 03/12/2016
StartThe tower clock and how to make it 1903 uploaded 01/27/2024
StartTower Clocks 1911 - uploaded 6/22/2016
Clock Repair Videos
Available in
after you enroll
Start1890 Recording of London's Big Ben Clock Tower. uploaded 10/14/2017 (2:21)
StartBIG BEN'S BIRTHDAY. 100 Years in 1959! uploaded 10/14/2017 (3:40)
StartDeadly Dial Painters. uploaded 4/16/2017 (10:00)
StartHow to repair clocks by Charlie Chaplin uploaded 4/23/2017 (3:52)
StartStrange Experiences - Clocks (1956) - Clock driving you crazy? uploaded 4/16/2017 (3:34)
Horology Books
Available in
after you enroll
Start20th century catalogue of supplies for watchmakers, jewelers and kindred trades 1899. uploaded 01/28/2024
StartA catalogue of books, manuscripts, specimens of clocks, watches and watchwork 1875. uploaded 01/28/2024
StartClock and Watch Work 1855 uploaded 02/07/2016
StartEnglish domestic clocks by Herbert Cescinsky and Malcolm R. Webster. uploaded 03/01/2024
StartFriction, lubrication and the lubricants in horology 1896 uploaded 02/01/2024
StartHorology; or, a popular sketch of clock and watchmaking 1849 uploaded 01/25/2020
StartLessons in Horology - Volume 1. 1905 uploaded 01/25/2020
StartL’Horloge Monumentale 1868 uploaded 02/16/2016
StartModern Methods in Horology 1904. uploaded 02/02/2024
StartThe Watch and the Clock 1883. updated 02/02/2024
StartThe Watch and Clock Makers' Handbook, Dictionary and Guide uploaded 6/22/2016
StartThe Watchmakers Lathe 1903 - uploaded 04/18/2016
StartThe watchmakers lathe, its use and abuse; a story of the lathe 1903. uploaded 02/04/2024
StartTime and its measurement 1909. uploaded 02/04/2024
StartTime and Timekeepers 1923 uploaded 7/31/2022
StartTime telling thorugh the ages 1919. uploaded 02/04/2024
StartWatch and Clock Making 1885 uploaded 7/31/2022